The Cisco Writers Club was started in 1975 by professional and hobby writers in the Central Texas region. It serves writers everywhere, with monthly meetings, interesting and informative speakers,
occasional workshops, a newsletter for members, and an annual contest.
Membership is $25 per year for individuals, $30 for families, $15 for students, and $600 for lifetime membership.
We welcome your participation. To join, print and mail the form below with your check or money order payable to Cisco Writers Club, 2301 CR 169, Cisco TX 76437.
Name(s): _______________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: _______________ Zip: _________
Phone: (____)____________________________________
E-Mail address: __________________________________
Favorite Writing Interests/Subjects/Genre: ____________________________________
Check or Money Order enclosed for (Amount): $_____________